New Customer Information

Thank you for considering Seafood Supply Company. We are a wholesale company for the food service industry.

In order to purchase from us we need to get you an account set up. At this time we offer three different types of accounts, COD (Payment due upon delivery), Charge and ACH Auto Draft. We do not accept credit cards.

Below is a description of each form linked below.

Check Acceptance: This form is required for all accounts. It is also the only form needed for a COD account. It is sent to your financial institution for account verification purposes. Please remember to include information on all signers on your account.

Check Acceptance

Credit Application: This form is required if you are requesting credit terms (charge account). Please complete the form in full. Please provide at least 3 food references (no liquor or wine), typically the more references you provide the quicker we can process your application.

Credit Application

Guarantor's Agreement: This form is if you are requesting credit terms (charge account). Please complete in full. At the very top of this form there's a under "In consideration of ..." Please put your businesses name on this line, however your company is styled. This form needs to be notarized or can be witnessed by your sales representative if he or she is available.

Guarantor's Agreement

Once you've completed the required form(s), please return by email or fax to: or fax 214-565-8404

Everyone at Seafood Supply Company is excited to serve you. Please let me know if I can assist you in any way.

Lesia Hensley

Credit Manager

Office 214-565-1851 Ext. 129